Plastic Scintillating Fibers Plastic Imaging Fibers -to contribute for the development of the natural science-
December, 2023
Kuraray announces orders resmption for PSF."Anouncement of orders resumption"
PSFの受注再開のお知らせ"Anouncement of orders resumption Japanese"
Kuraray revised a leaflet of new wavelengthshifting fibers called "YS-series"
December, 2021
Kuraray announces temporaly plant shutdown in 2023 and 2024."Anouncement of Temp shutdown"
2023年から2024年にかけての一時的な操業停止に関するお知らせ"Anouncement of Temp shutdown Japanese"

Plastic Imaging Fibers

Our Plastic Imaging Fibers are much more flexible and resistant to breakage than glass fibers.


For more than 30 years, we have developed the Plastic scintillating fibers.

Delivery Configurations

You can choose two kinds of delivery configurations.